writing ourselves into mythos, i.


queer voices and stories have been, and continue to be systematically erased from history. As a person of Celtic heritage I have searched for stories of queer bodies and spirits on my homelands and found none. If a quick google search is to be believed, Celtic stories tell only of the hero and/or the heroine in all their hetero glory.

But dive a little deeper and you find the wells of queer lineage. You must be very still, very quiet, to hear their whispers but once you have attuned your energy to them they ring true and clear.

we have been writing, speaking, dancing, ourselves into history since time immemorial.

While, at this time, I do not have a name of a queer saint or deity to call on from my own lineage, to recall stories of, I have my own body and spirit.

It is my belief, my faith, my experience that our stories have been stored into the lands and waters and that, through ongoing devotional and reciprocal relationship to the lands and waters, our spirit can become a channel and our bodies a vessell to transmute these ancient knowings into the present.

These stories are accessible even if they appear to have been erased. They live in the water and the wood, they are the wind.

Comment below if you have any insight, experience, knowledge, or resources pertaining to queering the mythos.

Here you will find my current resources, which are both queer and femme:

Bespoken Bones by Dr. Pavini Moray (podcast)

If Women Rose Rooted: A Journey to Authenticity and Belonging by Sharon Blackie

Cailleach’s Herbarium - Blog: cailleachs-herbarium.com